
Pharmaceutical Sciences

Associate Professor

Speaker Request
Ray W. Chandrasekara, PhD

Primary Academic Appointment - Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Secondary Academic Appointment- Department of Population Health Sciences


  • PhD, South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of California at Berkeley

Courses Taught at ACPHS

  • Scientific Reasoning and Analysis I, II, III
  • Suicide and Madness and/as Literature 
  • Changing Images of Asia 
  • The Short Story 
  • Humanities I, II, III 
  • Health Care and Human Values
  • Principles of Communication

Honors and Awards

  • Named ACPHS Teacher of the Year in 2005-06 and 2007-08 
  • Selected to deliver the Faculty Charge to the Graduates at the 2011 Commencement ceremony

Research Interests

  • South and Southeast Asian literature, history and politics, translations of Malay-Indonesian literature into English, bioethics in the developing world.

Selected Books and Publications


Polimeni, John M., R. Chandrasekara, and S. Mel. The Economic Growth, Environment, Public  Health Connection: An Ecological Economic Case Study of the Impact of the Yali Falls Dam on Cambodia. Linus Publications, Inc., 2011.

Stories from Jakarta (trans. by Nusantara Translation Group). Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Introduced by Benedict Anderson. SEA Press, Cornell University, Ithaca New York, 1999. 

Magical Selves: Anthology of Malay Women Writers (1930-1990). Translated, Edited and with an introduction by Ray Chandrasekara. Forward by Christine Campbell. SEA Press, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.


Water, Development, and State Security in South Asia: Scenarios for China and India. Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture 6.3, 2006.